Wedding Guidelines
Saint Andrew’s Community Chapel affirms the biblical teaching of marriage unions between a man and a woman, as God’s gift to humanity for, among others, companionship, mutual care, the setting up of a new family unit, and procreation. (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-25) In support of this teaching, we are committed to help every couple in their journey toward their union as husband and wife, and the setting up of their own nuclear family units.
To aid in this,
Members planning to marry should first speak to our Parish pastors before confirming any bookings and plans, so proper liaison may be established between them and the church.
Members are required to attend the Marriage Preparatory Course conducted by our Parish. All, and not just Couples confirmed that they are going to marry, are strongly encouraged to attend this Course to learn a more about God’s plans for such marriage unions, explore whether each is right for the other, and learn practical tips on how to stay and grow strong together as a couple.
Please note that while our Marriage Preparatory Course is open to all regardless of the status of a couples’ commitment to one another, and the faith of the individual, we will only officiate the solemnisation of marriages for:
Those who have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour,
Believers who are baptised; and
Members of Saint Andrew’s Community Chapel.
We welcome to our Parish, and will wholeheartedly support those whose marriages have broken down and are divorced. It is not however, the policy of our Diocese to solemnise the marriages of divorcees who plan to re-marry. Those planning to re-marry are encouraged to attend our Marriage Preparatory Course as well.
To speak to one of our pastors about your plan to marry, or sign up for our Marriage Preparatory Course, please write to
Other Requirements
Couples will need to comply with SACC's policies and guidelines applicable to weddings, as well as the legal requirements for registering a marriage in Singapore. More information on the legal requirements is available at