“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9).
The tithes and donations you make to St Andrew's Community Chapel
make a difference to our church, our community.
There are various ways you can donate. We have offertory boxes during services and electronic giving is available for 24/7 donations.
If you have an online banking account, you may use your bank's mobile app to give your tithes and offerings via PayNow UENs (unique entity number) or PayNow QR (Quick Response) codes.
IMPORTANT: To avoid scams, please only use the QR codes from our official sources (website, tithe/offering envelopes) and check the name of the account you are giving to.
When in doubt, please contact SACC's office or staff.
When giving,
Please key in your mobile or tithe number for ‘Reference Number/ Description’.
If nothing is entered the giving will be recorded as anonymous.
For more information on transferring funds using iBanking, please click on the button below and it will direct you to the bank's instruction webpage.
*Step 1: Launch your PayNow app, select “Scan & Pay” and scan QR code below according to where you are giving to.
Step 2: Login with your User ID and PIN.
Step 3: Verify that the payee name is “St Andrew's Community Chapel”
Step 4: Enter amount you are giving.
Step 5: Indicate contact or tithe number in the Reference Number field.
Step 6: Verify all details and click on “Pay Now.”
*If you are viewing the mobile site, take a screenshot of the QR code and upload the image to your banking app.
If you are unsure of your Tithe Number, please contact church office and the necessary information will be provided.